Friday, March 30, 2007

My call to a popular satellite radio provider's customer service line

This is not an exact transcript of my animated call with a famous satellite radio provider's customer service line today, but you'll get the idea. Enjoy!

Dial 1-800-555-SATELLITE

Automated Phone Lady: Welcome to ** Radio customer service line. Please select from the following choices. You can interrupt me at any...

Me: Account Management.

Automated Phone Lady: Did you say "Account Management"

Me: Yes

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, here are your options. Change profile, change billing, radios...

Me: Radios.

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, did you say "change profile"?

Me: No.

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, here are your options. Change profile, change billing, radios...

Me: Radios.

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, did you say "change billing"?

Me: No.

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, here are your options. Change profile, change billing, radios...


Automated Phone Lady: Ok, did you say "change billing"?

Me: NO.

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, here are your options. Change profile, change billing, radios...

Me: Holy <expletive deleted>!

Automated Phone Lady: Ok, it sounds like you need some assistance. Let me transfer you to a customer service representative.

Me: Great!

20 minutes later...

Real Phone Lady: Hello, this is "Roxanne," how can I help you?


@binarybrewery said...

Cheer up, ** satellite radio service for the most part by and far is pretty good. I agree that there's always something that you wish computers understood better, but maybe it was the sound of the crashing waves that caused it not to understand you ;)

Joelsef said...

I am cheery, arne't I? :) I was mostly amused (and maybe a little peeved) by the system's inability to help me in an efficient manner. All this money for an automated system and not only does it not work, but it also frustrates the customer even more? Brilliant use of capital!