This is what it's supposed to look like in Excel and SharePoint:

This is what you see in SharePoint:

The reason you may see the drab colors in example 2 is something so simple that you could kick yourself: The Display settings on the server may be set to 8-bit (256 colors). The solution may be as simple as changing the display settings to b 16-bit or ideally 32-bit.
Microsoft throws this in one of it's online help pages, but you may miss it if you blink.
You should be aware that color quality settings vary on a client and server computer. (From the Control Panel, click Display to open the Display Properties dialog box, and then click the Settings tab.) There are three settings:
- Highest (32 bit, 4 million colors).
- Medium (16 bit, 32,000 colors).
- Lowest (8 bit, 256 colors).
The color quality can make a difference in the clarity of the chart, especially if the colors that are used are not distinct enough for the user's current display setting. Because the chart image is created on the server computer, the setting on the server computer can limit the colors displayed in the chart, regardless of the color setting on the client computer.
/End QuoteI'd suggest you use 16-bit or 32-bit for the best results.